Building Magento 2 with Jenkins

I often find myself needing a clean Magento 2 environment. The version required generally depends on what I’m doing and means I switch relatively often. I’m lazy and wanted something that just works by pushing a button or two. I had stood up a Jenkins instance the prior week and thought I’d use that for creating the build artifacts and eventually deploying. Here I will focus on the build and archive generation process.

Since I’m often switching between similar versions I want to avoid the build process when deploying if possible. For example, if I’ve already built 2.4.0 and 2.3.5 I should not need to rebuild them when switching versions. I found a few different approaches such as writing the archive to AWS S3 or Artifactory. I wanted to use my existing infrastructure and decided on installing the copyArtifacts Jenkins plugin.

We’ll be performing the build withing a docker container based on one of the official PHP images php:7.3-cli. You can view the Dockerfile on GitLab. The final version is very basic. We install a few packages for meeting Magento’s minimum requirements along with composer.

An oddity within the Dockerfile is copying a generic store configuration. I’m performing the build from the Magento GitHub repository for running develop branches between releases. This means I won’t have a complete config.php file available at build time. COPY files/store-config.php /var/store-config.php will fill in the gaps for running setup:static-content:deploy.

With the Dockerfile ready we’ll start writing the Jenkinsfile used for the build. Here’s the initial pipeline for preparing the workspace for build. The stage is configured for running inside the PHP Docker container.

pipeline {
    agent {
        node {
            label 'master'

    parameters {
            name: 'reference_type',
            choices: [
            name: 'reference',
            defaultValue: '2.4.0'

    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            agent {
                dockerfile {
                    filename 'Dockerfile'
                    dir 'docker/'
                    label 'master'
                    args '-v $HOME/jenkins_home/.composer:$HOME/.composer'

            steps {
                script {
                            credentialsId: "magento-repo", // user/pass credential
                            usernameVariable: "username",
                            passwordVariable: "password"
                    ]) {
                        sh """
                            composer global config -a "$username" "$password"

                script {
                    if ( "${env.reference_type}" == 'branch' ) {
                        env.build_from = "refs/heads/${env.reference}"

                    else if ( "${env.reference_type}" == 'tag' ) {
                        env.build_from = "refs/tags/${env.reference}"

                    $class: 'GitSCM',
                    branches: [[name: "${env.build_from}"]],
                    userRemoteConfigs: [[name: 'source', url: ""]]

We can now add our build commands into the stage. The build steps are basic:

Here’s the end result

    sh 'rm -rf generated/code generated/metadata pub/static/frontend pub/static/adminhtml'
    sh 'composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction'
    sh 'php bin/magento module:enable --all'
    sh 'php -r \'$config = include("app/etc/config.php"); $stores = include("/var/store-config.php"); file_put_contents("app/etc/config.php", "<?php\\nreturn\\n" . var_export(array_merge($config, $stores), true) . ";");\''
    sh 'php bin/magento setup:di:compile'
    sh 'php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f'
    sh 'rm -rf .git/'
    sh 'mkdir build'
    sh 'tar --exclude=build/output.tar.gz -zcf build/output.tar.gz .'

Finally, I need Jenkins to archive the artifact and define which jobs can access via copyArtifacts. Right after the last build step I add:

archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/output.tar.gz', followSymlinks: false, onlyIfSuccessful: true

letting Jenkins know the location of the build artifact. Then adding the following to the pipeline configuration before the parameters:

options {

That a job named m2-demo-store/DeployDemoStore access to the build artifact. I’ll work on the deploy job another day. You can see find the complete Jenkinsfile on GitHub